Monday, June 17, 2019

Now accepting July 2019 Pre-Entries!

We are now accepting 
for the 
July 6th show!

Please go to the following link and to submit your online Pre-Entry for the July 6th 2019 show date:

DEADLINE for Pre-Entries for the July 6th Show is 10 pm Wednesday, July 3rd!

Please fill out an entry per horse and rider!
If you are showing multiple horses, please fill out a seperate entry for each horse you are showing.

  • Payment is due the day of the show
  • You must present a current Negative Coggins test for each horse/pony shown.
  • Pre-Entries are due by 10 pm Wednesday July 3rd.
  • We only accept pre-entries done with our online form(Please do not email them to us).

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